8/14/2012 0 Comments Bold Technologies User Conference![]() Whew! What a long week and what a long time preparing for the Bold Technologies User Conference. This year the company introduced the first full day train-the-trainer course. This was my first opportunity, since completing my Master's degree, to deliver a course I designed from the ground up, and delivered for a full classroom. Sure, I have trained others to train in my career. What made this so special was my ability to share my, recently acquired, knowledge to those who too wish to follow this path. This course had some interesting and lively conversations. As per usual, I learned some things from my learners that I will apply to future classes. Still, a great number of learners appreciated the shift in focus from just training to engaging adult learners and addressing the fears and challenges many adult learners bring to the learning environment. This year we helped build new relationships, and cement old ones, by introducing a "team" concept where we all could earn points by attending courses and visiting vendors. We had the most interactive final day ever; by having a final quiz show game pitting the teams in one final battle. I had a great time hosting the final quiz show. I want to thank everyone who so energetically participated. While there is still some dispute as to the collection of points, all had a great time and were able to interact with people they may never have without the game.
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AuthorCaryn Morgan, Business Consultant and Master of Adult Education and Training Archives
January 2023
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