12/15/2011 0 Comments Why is change so hard?I train companies who have just spent a lot of money to update their infrastructure and use a new and powerful piece of software to reduce errors, improve service and increase their bottom line. Yet, when the learners come to the courses, they are full of fear. There are often those who feel they were not included in the decision process. This creates a hostile training environment.
Change is hard. No one denies that. However, change is constantly happening. Think about the last time you lost your keys and were already running late. What did you do? First you probably argued with yourself or your significant other as to where you left them. "They were right here last night!!!!" Then you got angry..."Darn Cats! They must have taken them!" "They are always here! Who moved them?!?" Then you started making deals... "If I can just get my keys back, I promise I will be more diligent next time!" "Please help me! I need those keys or I will lose my job!" Then depression sinks in... "I am going to lose my job, so what is the point?" Finally we accept that we are going to have t change our day... "I better call in and let my boss know I am going to be late." "Maybe, I will just take a break today." If we spend too much time in the fear, anger or depression, we will not easily find our way back to acceptance and positive forward momentum. Change is really only as painful as we make it. My company is constantly growing and changing. We move our desks as often as we add new customers. We could either be grumpy about it or keep our stuff easily mobile so that when the next change comes we just load up our stuff and slide to the new place.
AuthorCaryn Morgan, Business Consultant and Master of Adult Education and Training Archives
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