4/10/2012 1 Comment ROI on College EducationIf you have read my BLOG before you know I am completing my Master's degree in Adult Education and Training. While I am a proponent of learning throughout our life, I am trying to understand the Return On Investment (ROI) on completing my Master's degree. I am approaching my mid 40's and will be paying my in excess of $50K of student loans for a minimum of the next 10 years, if not the next 25.
While studies show that college graduates statistically make more than those without college degrees, I don't see any studies that show the loss of payments into 401K or Retirement funds calculated within them. I read today that this Business Week study does have marked declines in the ROI but it still seems to support the educational systems as they are at this time. I believe wholeheartedly that if someone has the opportunity to learn at the college level they should. However, the cost/benefit is not what it used to be. Be an informed consumer!!!
1 Comment
AuthorCaryn Morgan, Business Consultant and Master of Adult Education and Training Archives
January 2023
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